Woman Charcoal Portrait
"Belle" presents a striking portrayal of the beloved character from "Beauty and the Beast," depicted in a side-view portrait adorned with a captivating hat, her eyes serenely closed. Crafted with charcoal on Canson paper, this artwork exudes an aura of quiet elegance and introspection. The artist skillfully captures Belle's essence in this unique portrayal, emphasizing her inner strength and depth of character. With closed eyes, Belle appears lost in thought, her expression imbued with a sense of tranquility and inner peace. The hat adds a touch of whimsy to the composition, hinting at Belle's adventurous spirit and love for exploration.
Using charcoal, the artist creates a stunning interplay of light and shadow, sculpting Belle's features with remarkable detail and sensitivity. Each stroke of the medium adds texture and dimension to the portrait, lending it a lifelike quality that invites the viewer to linger and contemplate. "Belle' stands as a testament to the enduring allure of a timeless literary heroine, inviting viewers to delve into the depths of her character and uncover the beauty that lies within.
NOTE: The image shown is a close up image of the Painting. The 2nd image shows the full painting, with the following images showcasing closeups of the artwork, detailing the work done by the artist.
Painting is signed by the artist.
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